Synopsis of El mal de Judas
Marco Polo, his father and his uncle (the Poles) were the first to make the trip to China, on their return they had a fleet of 14 ships and 600 men.[a Venecia] On their return trip, a strange disease spread among the travelers and Los Polo were forced to burn the ships and the sick, because once contracted the disease, all those who have it, begin to present erratic behavior, strange spots on their bodies, and so on. That’s why the Polos swore to never say anything about the mysterious cure they had to take. The alternative was too horrible to even think about, so the secret, they promised, would go to the grave with them. Marco Polo, however, was far from being faithful to that oath and in his last days, he dedicated himself to leave a testimony of what happened in those times. Fortunately, because otherwise, mankind would not have found the cure for Judas disease.